Over the years, I have taken a keen interest in imparting the knowledge of child development and crisis response through a trauma informed lens, applying the key principles of the following bodies of work:  Neurosequential Model in Education (Dr. Bruce Perry), Collaborative Problem Solving (Dr. Stuart Ablon, Dr. Ross Greene), Interpersonal Neurobiology (Dr. Dan Siegel), Motivational Interviewing (Dr. Stephen Rollnick), and Life Space Crisis Intervention (Dr. Nicholas Long).

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As a trainer, my years of working in the social service field with youth, parents, staff, and the community provides for many entertaining and heartfelt examples of “how” and “how not” to work with people, leaning in to this heart work.


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I have guided teams in the development of school based interventions- ensuring integrity to the process while utilizing indivualized and comprehensive approaches.  The models include elements of: Response To Intervention (RTI); and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS); and Life Space Crisis Interventions (LSCI).  The lens of trauma informed care is employed throughout this process; additionally acknowledging a family systems approach and the cultural context of the setting.  

I am a member of several social service and mental health partnerships that serve oppressed populations- recognizing parents and families need an ally when their voice is not heard or when systems aren’t accessible. 

I have overseen the development and implementation of  Social Emotional Learning Classrooms as an alternative learning environment for students whose behavior impacted their ability to advance in general education environments.  In addition to impacting a student’s academic success, these environments integrated self-regulation and social skill development as a means to positively impact their lagging skill sets. 

I facilitated a community task force to prevent suicide by utilizing trauma informed approaches. I supported a multi layer systems analysis and intervention project that continues to this day. 

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